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Offices will be closed at 11:30am today due to responding to the Fremont power outage ϟ Offices will be closed at 11:30am today due to responding to the Fremont power outage ϟ Offices will be closed at 11:30am today due to responding to the Fremont power outage ϟ Offices will be closed at 11:30am today due to responding to the Fremont power outage ϟ

Get Help

Our Services

At Heartland Hope Mission, we realize that food insecurity is often a symptom of a larger problem. In addition to food, we provide employment resources, assistance with applying for SNAP and community referrals to help our clients rise above poverty and economic crisis.

Client-Choice Food Pantry: We provide a week’s supply of food, clothing, diapers, personal hygiene products and household items to individuals and families in need.

Job Paths: Businesses in high demand of employees come to our facility and provide employment information to clients looking for jobs. On-site interviews are conducted and help with the applications are available.

Holiday Assistance: We provide families with a choice of turkey or ham and all the fixings to enjoy holiday feasts. Parents are also able to receive brand new toys for their children, along with stocking stuffers, and wrapping paper.

Crisis Assistance: We are a crisis relief agency, where families facing a crisis situation can receive expanded services beyond normal pantry, regardless of income. We can help with basic necessities so families can utilize their funds to rebuild and recover.

If you need additional assistance or are in a crisis situation, you can meet with a Client Service Specialist who can connect you to additional resources.

What To Bring

Please bring the following items with you in order to access the pantry:

One photo identification such as:

  • Personal driver’s license 
  • State ID
  • Passport
  • Work ID
  • Omaha Housing Authority ID
  • Tribal ID
  • Mug shot

One form of identification for other members of the household include:  

  • Social Security card
  • School ID
  • Work ID
  • Medicaid card/letter
  • Birth certificate

Proof of address. If your photo ID is from out of state, but you live in Nebraska, you will need proof of address. The follow items can be used: 

  • Mail from a government agency, such as Medicaid, dated within the last 60 days
  • A bill, such as a phone or electric bill, dated within the last 60 days
  • A lease 

Heartland Hope Mission cannot accept handwritten letters or photocopied documents as proof of identification or address. Please come prepared to sign a statement of monthly income.   

How often you can receive services

Heartland Hope Mission’s pantry allows households to visit the food and clothing pantry once a month. Households where everyone is a senior (ages 60 or older) or disabled (proof of disability required) can visit the pantry two times a month and those experiencing crisis situations may be approved for additional assistance.

Need help beyond what Heartland Hope Mission provides? Please call United Way’s First Call for Help (dial 211) for additional assistance.

This pantry provides TEFAP product(s) to those in need, no ID or additional information required to receive TEFAP. 

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement