We are a choice pantry. Based on availability, you can choose from our selection of meat, fresh produce, bread, dairy, and canned & boxed goods. You will also be able to choose items from our hygiene shelf. We also have a clothing pantry where you can find any style to get you through the seasons. Diapers are available for children 2 years and under.
Tuesdays 6:30PM – 7:30PM
Thursdays 1:30PM – 4PM
Saturdays 9:30AM – 12PM
Saturdays 10AM – 12PM
** Calendar Subject To Change **
Were you affected by a Tornado, flooding, or a house fire? We are responding to these disasters that hit Omaha and the surrounding areas by opening our Disaster Relief Center to those affected!
We will be open at our West O location (15555 Industrial Rd) to provide food, hygiene items, clothing, diapers, formula, baby wipes, household items, pet food, new toys, case management, and community referrals.
Sign Up to Receive Disaster Recovery Assistance by visiting HeartlandHopeMission.org · Sign Up for Tornado Recovery Assistance (lglforms.com)
Our Disaster Relief Center (at our West Omaha location) is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9am-3pm, and Saturdays from 10am-12pm.
SATURDAYS 10am-12pm

This program is supported in part by a grant from the United Way of the Midlands.
At Heartland Hope Mission, we realize that food insecurity is often a symptom of a larger problem. The moment you walk through our doors, you will be greeted with an open heart and leave with a week’s supply of groceries and hope. All clients must complete a pantry form before meeting with a Client Service Specialist who will connect you to additional resources like employment opportunities, SNAP application assistance, and community referrals.
CLIENT-CHOICE FOOD PANTRY: We are a choice pantry. Based on availability, you can choose from our selection of meat, fresh produce, bread, dairy, and canned & boxed goods. You will also be able to choose items from our hygiene shelf. We also have a clothing pantry where you can find any style to get you through the seasons. Diapers are available for children 2 years and under.
DISASTER RELIEF CENTER: We are responding to the devastating tornadoes that hit Omaha and the surrounding areas by opening our Tornado and Flooding Relief Center to those affected by the storms! We will be open at our West O location (15555 Industrial Rd) to provide food, hygiene items, clothing, diapers, formula, baby wipes, household items, pet food, new toys, case management, and community referrals. Our Crisis Response Center is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9am-3pm, and Saturdays from 10am-12pm.

HOLIDAY ASSISTANCE: We provide families with a choice of turkey or ham and all the fixings to enjoy holiday feasts, for both THANKSGIVING & CHRISTMAS! Parents are also able to receive brand new toys for their children, along with stocking stuffers, and wrapping paper.
JOBS PATHS: Businesses in high demand of employees come to our facility and provide employment information to clients looking for jobs. On-site interviews are conducted and help with the applications are available.
NEW PARENTS’ PROGRAM: Our New Parents’ Program allows new mothers to get a variety of resources along with diapers and new baby items from our New Baby Boutique!
CRISIS ASSISTANCE: We are a crisis relief agency, where families facing a crisis situation can receive expanded services beyond normal pantry, regardless of income. We can help with basic necessities so families can utilize their funds to rebuild and recover.
MINISTRY: We also provide food for your soul! You can join us Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM for an Hour of Refreshing & Empowerment at our South Omaha location. Bring the whole family!
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT: Our Run Youth program is for all Middle School & High School Students! We create a safe and fun environment for students to come learn leadership & development skills! Students also learn how to socialize with other people their age without the need of being on their phones! We provide homework assistance, music lessons the 3rd week of every month, and mentoring to all of our youth! Run Youth meets every Thursday at 6:00 PM! Snacks are provided!
FUTURE LEADERS DEVELOPMENT: Our Heaven’s Heroes program encourages your children, Babies – 5th grade, to be who God has created them to be so that they can achieve their God-given dreams! Heaven’s Heroes meets every Thursday at 6:50pm.
If you need additional assistance or are in a crisis situation, you can meet with a Client Service Specialist who can connect you to additional resources.
How often you can receive services
Heartland Hope Mission allows households to visit the food and clothing pantry once a month. Households where everyone is a senior (ages 60 or older) or disabled (proof of disability required) can visit the pantry two times a month. Those experiencing crisis situations may be approved for additional assistance.
Need help beyond what Heartland Hope Mission provides? Please call United Way’s First Call for Help (dial 211) for additional assistance.
Please bring the following when visiting pantry:

Personal Identification
for all individuals in household
• Driver’s license
• Passport
• School/Work ID
• Housing Authority ID
• Tribal ID
• Mug shot
• Social Security Card
• Birth certificate
• Medicaid/Medicare card

Address Verification
• Utility Bill
• Lease
• Government documents
This pantry provides TEFAP product(s) to those in need, no ID or additional information required to receive TEFAP.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
We are proud to serve everyone regardless of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, political beliefs and values, disability, or geographic location.
Our indoor waiting area is open 30 minutes prior to our start time. We serve our clients on a first-come, first-served basis. Those who want to participate in the opening Bible Study and prayer can attend, while those who don’t prefer to attend are welcome to wait in a separate area (and they will not lose their spot in line). We treat all of our clients with equal respect and kindness.