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In 2020, Heartland Hope Mission saw a 25% increase
in food pantry distribution from 2019’s number

Food insecurity is real and often a symptom of a larger problem

When a family is trying to make a decision between food and an electric bill or rent, they are often unable to think past their current situation. “Should I pay my rent this month? Or buy groceries to feed my family?” Those experiencing hunger often worry where their next meal will come from.

At Heartland Hope Mission, we are ready to serve the working poor, those in a crisis situation, or anyone struggling to make ends meet.


1 in 8 struggles with hunger


struggles with hunger

The Effects of Hunger


Risk of Chronic Diseases

When a family cannot afford nutritious food because they are experiencing other financial stressors – loss of a job, accident, medical emergency – they are forced to choose between food and regaining control of their life. Individuals may not have the means to stretch their budget and end up sacrificing healthy, nutritious meals for inexpensive and convenient low-quality meals. This begins the cycle of poor health management – and may even become life-altering. Food insecurity can lead to Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. 


Poor School Performance

When a child goes hungry, especially throughout the first few years of their life, they are more likely to experience developmental challenges. As they go through school, the barriers to keep up with their peers, who do not experience food insecurity, become even more daunting.  Social and behavioral problems become an even great risk all because they missed meals at home.  

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Tangled in Web of Poverty

Food insecurity and poverty are different, although related. Poverty is easy to fall into – but difficult to escape. Working families experiencing food-insecurity lack reliable access to enough affordable and nutritious food. Someone who was living paycheck to paycheck experiences a job loss – but the bills and responsibility keep piling up over time. The stress of the crisis may become too much to handle – leading them into poverty.

How We Are Helping Our Neighbors In Need

At Heartland Hope Mission, we are ready to serve the working poor, those in a crisis situation, or anyone struggling to make ends meet.

The moment someone walks through our doors, they will be greeted with an open heart and leave with a week’s supply of groceries and hope. Clients meet one-on-one with a Client Service Specialist who will connect them to additional resources like employment opportunities, SNAP application assistance, and community referrals.


feeds a family of 4
for an entire month!

© Heartland Hope Mission | Donated by MZW